The Comb-over


Created by Joyce Lawrie 14 years ago
When Nick and I lived together a hairdresser used to come to the house and cut my hair. Nick was always very concerned about going bald and used to try to disguise it by brushing his hair over to one side...and making it stay in place with hairspray (he'd giggle if he knew I said that). My hairdresser looked at him (having scalped me) and said "why have you got that thing'going on' with your hair Nick, are you trying to disguise that you are going bald?" Nick was face, dare she mention my combover... Next thing, the particlarly fierce and blunt hairdresser had him in the chair and cut the whole combover off. He looked just FAB! Nick was a bit stunned to say the shock I would say...he had been given no time to think about it. For the next week he couldn't stop looking at himself in the mirror...everytime I looked at him he was preening. We never stopped giggling about that story!