Another trip to Ricemans toy department that bit you in the bottom!
Created by Emma 13 years ago
Well, after your last trip to Riceman's toy department with us, you still found the time to take me back again... This time, my treat of choice was one of those joke 'Dickie-bow-ties' like children's party clowns wear... You remember-the one that squirted water out of it's middle when I squeezed the water filled trigger...
I'm not sure what possessed you to think that the bow tie was a good idea, or that I wouldn't get up to mischief with it.
Any way, just prior to this particular visit, Chris and I had been given a very grave talk at school about the health risks and dangers of smoking... The talk had a huge emotional impact on both Chris and I, since both you and Mum were smokers at the time.
I vividly remember Chris nibbling the ends off all of Mum's matches so that she would be unable to light the 'cancer sticks' and the way we would literally wail if either of you thought about lighting up.
On this occasion however, we were at a house party. You had taken Chris and I along, and we were stood in the kitchen. With a beer in one hand you popped a cigarette into your mouth and lit up, but as you went to take a puff, I had extinguished your cigarette with my little bow tie... Initially you were baffled, but by the second cigarette you twigged what I was up to, and I think you thought me amusing.
By cigarette number 4 however you were distinctly unimpressed and my toy was confiscated. I still chuckle about that. I also have no idea how my aim was so good that I managed to get a direct hit!